Math in Focus 6th-8th
In-line with Singapore's teaching methodology, this is a great middle school choice for student leaving the Primary Mathematics (K-6) curriculum. It is also an intuitive, easy transition or bridge of our current practices with math into using the Singapore model for families wanting to try this new approach. This "scaffoled" curriculum provides multiple steps of layered support for students to gain understanding while at the same time gradually removing support as the learner masters the task. In a nutshell Singapore's methods for teaching math are:
CONCRETE MODELS: Beginning with what a child/person knows and can experience through touching and manipulating.
PICTORIAL or VISUAL MODELS: Pictures to represent concrete. This is a step that in the past has often been left out of traditional American curriculum and methodologies of teaching mathematics.
ABSTRACT: Using written numbers, symbols and algorithms to represent the concrete and visual. Text follows an "I Do, We Do, You Do" format with direct instruction with hands-on, guided practice, and independent practice.
Colorful with plenty of white space.
Teacher editions and student texts are split into two semesters.

TEACHER EDITION: Includes a wrap-around version of the Student text and activity guide to help with the concrete experience.
STUDENT TEXTS: A visually engaging yet non-distracting format. Includes Guided Step-by-Step instructions and discoveries as well as independent practice and unit assessments. Students in 6-8 grade complete work on a separate sheet of paper. No workbook