Board of Directors

Current Election Information and Governing Principles

2025 Board Elections

Submissions for candidates for the 2025 Board Elections will close on April 3rd at 3:00 p.m. Electronic Ballots will be emailed out on April 16th and voting will close on April 30th at 4 p.m. Please visit our page to view candidate statements and videos.

Interested candidates can submit their resume, statement of interest, and a short video from March 3rd to April 3rd at 3 p.m. to be considered.

All interested candidates shall complete this form by April 3rd at 3 p.m. prior to ballots going out to the community.

In order to complete the form, the candidate must have a resume of relevant experiences, draft a paragraph sharing what expertise, knowledge, passions and experiences the candidate can bring to the board, and prepare a short video answering specific questions. The paragraph submitted will be directly pasted from the form onto the website. The video needs to be five minutes or less and shall answer the following prompts:

  1. State your name and the role you are running for (Parent Board Member or Community Board Member)

  2. Tell the community a few things about yourself

  3. Why are you interested in serving for the CORE Butte Board of Directors?

  4. What special skills, talent or knowledge do you bring to the Board of Directors?

Should you have any further questions or concerns, need support with filming your video, or need to email your video and resume, please reach out to Mary Cox at

Open Positions for 2025 Elections:

  • 3 Parent Member Vacancies - 2 year term

  • 1 Community Member Vacancy - Special Election, 1 year term

Board members will be required to be background checked and finger printed prior to joining the board. The new board members will be publicly announced at the May 12th board meeting and take office at the June 13, 2025 meeting.

Electronic Ballots will be emailed out on April 16th and voting will close on April 30th at 4 p.m.

Board of Directors Operating Principles

  1. The primary function of the Board is to uphold and support the vision and mission of The CORE Butte Charter School. All decisions will be made in light of the mission, goals and objectives of CORE Butte Charter School as stated in the approved Charter Petition.

  2. The Board must ensure the provision of its quality educational program to all students at the school. Every decision or action taken by the Board must be made in the best interest of all of the students who attend CORE Butte Charter School -not what is in the interest of the individual, the Board, the staff, or the parents.

  3. The Board has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the community and CORE Butte Charter School's students receive the maximum benefit from the educational resources the school has at its disposal.

  4. The Board must ensure that the terms of CORE Butte Charter School's MOU with Butte County Office of Education are met.

  5. The Board must ensure that enrollment requirements are met.

  6. The Board is responsible for providing strategic leadership for the school. It must plan for the long-term operation of the school.

  7. The Board will operate as a policy maker and delegate the day-to-day operation of CORE Butte Charter School to its Superintendent/ Executive Director.

  8. The Board will maintain, or cause to be maintained, policies so that governing decisions made over a period of years may be readily available to subsequent leadership and administrators.

  9. The Board has complete and final responsibility in all fiscal affairs of the school, including assets represented by buildings and grounds.

  10. The Board will operate in openness and keep communication frequent and clear.

  11. A Board member will sit on each Board committee in support of the committee's goals and objectives. The Board member's role is to provide a Board perspective and ensure the committee's direction and actions support the Charter. The Board member will not report on behalf of the committee to Board or hold the position of Committee Chair.

  12. Board members will support the activities of the Charter Council.

  13. The Board will ensure that the school has sufficient public relations capacity and is under competent leadership to convey the school's message to the public and to the school's constituencies.

  14. The Board will conduct or cause to be conducted a periodic evaluation of the school, taking into consideration the school's philosophy and goals.

  15. The Board will conduct an annual self-evaluation.

Board of Directors Governance

The Board will govern with an emphasis on:

  1. Strategic leadership more than administrative detail

  2. Clear distinction of Board and School Director roles

  3. Collective rather than individual decisions

  4. Future rather than past or present

  5. Pro-activity rather than reactivity

The Board will:

  1. Deliberate in many voices, but govern in one.

  2. Cultivate a sense of group responsibility. The Board, not the staff, will be responsible for excellence in governing. The Board will use the expertise of individual members to enhance the ability of the Board as a body.

  3. Enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as attendance, preparation for meetings, policymaking principles, respect of roles, and ensuring the continuity of governing capability.

  4. Continue Board development through orientation of new members in the Board's governance process and periodic Board discussion of process improvement.

  5. Annually monitor and discuss the Board's process and performance.

School Governing Board Norms

To maximize the functioning of the The CORE Butte Charter School Governing Board, it is important that all members agree to abide by operating norms which have been established to enhance Board effectiveness.

  1.  Become familiar with the The CORE Butte Charter School original charter application, contract, bylaws, and policies.

  2. Read Board Packet prior to upcoming meeting.  Call the Superintendent/ Executive Director regarding clarification, questions, and comments.

  3. Treat fellow Board members respectfully including both positive demeanor and verbal comments. Always attempt to understand other viewpoints and reflect this sense of understanding. Disagreement ought not to be expressed in a disagreeable manner.

  4. Make an attempt to attend as many school events per year as possible. (at least 1)

  5. Attempt to form solutions to the problems and decisions facing the Board that incorporate the best thinking of all Board members.

  6. Treat all staff respectfully.  Arrange through Superintendent/ Executive Director or designee before making classroom visits.

  7. Do not disclose confidential issues regarding students, parents and personnel.

  8. Do not discuss opinions about staff with other staff or parents. Confidential discussions about staff may be held with the Superintendent/ Executive Director, remembering that the Superintendent/ Executive Director, not the Board, is ultimately responsible for staffing decisions.

  9. Maintain an open and objective perspective; evaluate all information thoroughly before making judgments.

  10. Recommend and encourage parents first discuss any problems that they may want to bring to you with their child's Personalized Learning Teacher, a program Director, or the Superintendent/ Executive Director.

Board Member Elections Policy

A. 1.  The Board/ Designee will solicit possible Board member nominees through efforts by the Charter Advisory Council (CAC), teachers and community members. The Board/ Designee may wish to advertise via social media and/or the school’s electronic communication system.

2. The Board/ Designee will request a resume, statement of interest, and a short video from each candidate. 

3. The Board/ Designee will prepare publicity statements on each candidate and a board election will be held in accordance with this policy and applicable procedures.

4. The President of the Board will announce the newly elected member/s either through the school’s electronic communication service or verbally during the open session of the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.

B. 1.  An Election Committee shall be established whenever a Board election needs to be conducted.

2. The Committee shall include at minimum one-two staff, one-two parents, one-two board members, and two administrators.

3.  No committee member shall be on the ballot.

4. The Committee will be responsible for promoting and conducting the election 

5. The Committee will count the votes in an open forum and share the results with the Board President and Executive Director

C. 1.  Voting Eligibility shall be: 

  • One vote per legal guardian, Max 2 votes per oldest student ID number

  • One per staff

  • One per Board Member

2.  Each person shall cast no more than one vote total.

D. 1. For the purpose of the annual Board of Directors elections, ballots shall be available electronically through a third party voting service. 

E.  1. Board of Director Elections will occur each Spring and the process will be reviewed  and the timeline will be set at the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting.

2. The Board of Directors have ultimate authority to decide any disputes or uncertainty about the election, and the board’s acceptance of results is final.