LAST TWO WEEKS TO ORDER — Senior Ads are DUE March 14th
Senior ads can be purchased through the Yearbook Order Center (Link Below) and QR code! Follow the link and select "Start Your Ad" https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/job/12349
If you would like to make a dedication to your senior, but the price is a struggle, reach out to me directly: ncollins@corebutte.org / no questions asked.
Yearbooks are limited! We are down to the last few copies, so if you want to make sure you have one, order today by following the link and selecting "Order A Yearbook".

CBHS is committed to helping the community. ASB and CSF both have community events going on if you want to help support.
ASB will be running their annual Pennies for Patients Fundraiser. This year the money will go directly toward supporting a student in our CORE Community. Any cash or spare change can be donated to each Homeroom or at the Front Desk.
CSF is Pairing with Ronald McDonald House to collect Pop Tabs. A simple plastic bog on the side of your refrigerator is an easy way to get started. As your bag fills, you can drop off at the HS Front Desk.

CORE Butte's Advanced Floral Design Class envisioned, created and executed the centerpieces for the Butte/Glenn Administrators of the Year awards ceremony last night. At the event 16 administrators were honored from across Butte and Glenn counties for the amazing work they do for kids.

Basketball Season Spirit Week: 1/27-1/31 Dress Up Days:
Monday: Favorite Music Genre
Tuesday: Jungle theme (also home game theme)
Wednesday: Rhyme without a Reason
Thursday: Dress Like your Younger Self
Friday: Flannel (also home game theme)

CBHS Preview Night Feb 4th 4:30-6:00 is for students and their parents who are not currently enrolled at CORE Butte and are interested in learning more about CORE Butte High School.
Students will hear about our program, get a tour of our school, and get to see some of the
programs offered at CORE Butte High School.
RSVP using the QR CODE on flyer

Campus is Closed Monday 1/20/25 -School Holiday

NO CENTER CLASSES 12/19 - Independent Study Day

Campus Closed Nov 8th for Staff Development/
Campus Closed Nov 11th for Veterans Day

No Center Classes on 10/24, this day is a Independent Study Day for students, Front Office is open normal hours.

This Wednesday is our annual Fun Fall Festival from 4:00-6:30 at CBHS. This event is put on by our High School ASB students for the elementary kids in our community. Mark your calendars and bring the family for a fun evening of games, prizes, cake walk, food, petting zoo and more! Kids do not need to be enrolled at CORE Butte to attend this event. Invite any elementary family or friends to come check it out. It promises to be a fun night for our younger students!

FOR CBHS Students
*Homeroom Rally on Thursday, September 19: Please follow the modified schedule, and students are encouraged to dress up with their class: 9th grade wears white, 10th grade wears blue, 11th grade wears silver, 12th grade wears black.
*Fall Spirit Week Dress Up Days Sep 23-26
Monday: Bikers vs Surfers
Tuesday: Ladies and Gentlemen (formal attire)
Wednesday: Jersey Day
Thursday: Anything but the backpack day
*Fall Dance on Friday, September 27 from 7-10pm in the common area and outside.
Theme: 50's Sock Hop
Cost: $10 (can purchase before at the front desk or at the door) We take cash or card
CORE students only, no outside guests

CBHS Home Volleyball Game vs Biggs Aug 28th
JV at 5:30 Varsity at 6:30
Need season passes? Want to watch online? Use these QR codes to get your tickets now!

Are you a parent or guardian that is new to CBHS? This is our final session from 4:30-5:30, please plan on attending. Sign up now.

Are you a parent or guardian that is new to CBHS?
We would love to help you learn how you can best support your student as they begin their journey at CORE Butte. Please choose one of the following dates to attend a New Parent Onboarding. All new parents should plan to attend one of these events. Each session lasts 45-60 minutes.
Thursday 8/15 at 9:00
Monday 8/19 at 4:00
Thursday 8/29 at 4:30

Use the QR code to access the CBHS Graduation Live Stream starting at 6pm on Thursday, May 23. This event will be recorded and available for viewing on our CORE Butte Youtube Channel.
Use the QR code for the Graduation Program.
We are so proud of the accomplishments of each of our graduates. To access the Class of 2024 Slideshow use the QR code to learn more about their favorite memories and goals for the future.

This year you can purchase a CBHS senior class picture and/or pics of CBHS grad as they walk across the stage. Order form and payment will be collected when grads arrive in the gym for graduation check in at 5pm on May 23. Order forms will be sent home with cap and gown bags, or can be printed here from this QR code.

Attention Seniors!
Reserve your Tickets for Graduation: Our Graduation Ceremony will be held in the Neighborhood Church Dome on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:00PM. Due to the venue's seating capacity, each graduate will be able to request a maximum of EIGHT tickets for family and friends to attend the ceremony in person. In the event that we have extra tickets available, we are asking grad's to let us know if they would like to request additional tickets. Please note, that there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate requests, but we will do our best. Please complete THIS FORM by Friday, April 26th.
Also if you have not paid for your cap and gown please go to CBHS Front Desk to pay.

Clarification on Spring Semester class registration at Butte:
With Butte's new registration policy, priority registration is only available to high school students who have previously taken a dual- enrolled class. Specifically, if you have previously taken CLP 101, ALH 104, ENG 2, PHIL 8, or CMST 2, you are eligible to register for classes now. If you have not previously taken one of those dual-enrolled classes, you will need to wait until next Tuesday, January 16th, at noon to register.
Many of you have logged onto your self serve portal and you have your Butte classes in your cue as "Planned" for the Spring. Please note that does not mean you are registered. You will still need to login and click "Register" as early as next Tuesday, January 16 at noon.
Apologies for any misinformation that was previously given, the new policy caused some confusion. Please reach out if you have any questions or need support.

Nutrition Services has provided the Winter 23-24 Menu for CBHS breakfast and lunch.

Check out the new sponsorship banners hanging in the CORE Butte gym! Businesses participating in this program are supporting CORE Butte Athletics. If you or someone you know would like information on how to become a sponsor and get YOUR business advertised in our gym, please check out this link: https://www.corebutte.org/o/core-butte-hs/article/1184881