What is CSF
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an organization that emphasizes high standards of scholarship and community service for California high school students. It was founded in 1921 and it is the oldest scholarship institution in the state of California.
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) honors outstanding high school students for their academic excellence and community service and is recognized by colleges and universities throughout the country. Students may join CSF by simply applying for membership after each semester’s grading period of high school. Students that apply for membership should meet the eligibility requirements below. Please note that students are not automatically inducted into CSF. They must apply for membership each semester. If a student is a member in CSF for at least four (4) semesters by graduation (only sophomore through junior years with at least one semester from their senior year), they are granted the title of CSF Sealbearer. They are presented gold honor cords to be worn at graduation, a gold seal on their diploma, and a note on their official transcript that indicates they have achieved the CSF Sealbearer distinction. They are also eligible for one of the many scholarships that CSF awards every year.
Freshmen may join CSF after they have completed one semester of high school. They are considered junior or associate members under the constitution of the state CSF Board. Therefore, their first year in high school does not contribute to Gold Sealbearer status. However, students are encouraged to join and be recognized for their academic achievement.
To qualify for CSF membership, please follow these guidelines:
1. You must earn a minimum of 10 points from your semester's grades.
a. The first 4 points must be from LIST I (unless you are a senior applying for membership in February or May).
b. The first 7 points (including the four points described in a ) must be from LISTS I and II.
c. The remaining points may come from any LIST (I, II or III).
2. A student must have taken a minimum of 3 courses from LISTS I & II; at least 2 of these 3 courses must be from LIST I only. You must use no more than 5 courses to qualify.
3. No CSF points are given for physical education, courses taken in lieu of physical education (Dance, Yoga, etc), subjects repeated to improve a grade, courses involving clerking and office/teaching assisting, and courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
4. CSF points are granted as follows:
a grade of A = 3 CSF points*
a grade of B = 1 CSF point *
a grade of C = 0 CSF points
a grade of D or F in any course, even in one you cannot use to qualify, disqualifies you from membership at this time.
* One additional point shall be granted for a grade of A or B in an AP, IB, or Honors course, up to a maximum of two such points per
Also remember:
1. Semester membership is based on work done in the previous semester
2. You must reapply each semester.
3. Courses you may use are listed at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WoiGG44CS_5DFTbrBB6Yfy-EIs9Dy2-bI0QIIkh4fUw/edit?usp=sharing
You can find more information about CSF on their Webpage at http://www.csf-cjsf.org/

2024-2025 CSF Meeting Dates:
1st Thursday of each month *except in January*
September 5
October 3
November 7
December 5
January 16
February 6
March 6
April 3
May 1
2024-2025 CSF Officers
Carina Marciales -President
I have really enjoyed being vice president and part of the CSF team last year, and I hope to continue to contribute and streamline our meetings next year. I want to make our meetings more enjoyable and increase the number of attendees. Community service has such a huge impact that I have seen first hand, and I want to continue my passion and help the community through CSF.
Katelyn Copper-Vice President
I think being a CSF officer is a great way to serve the CORE Butte community, and gain/expand leadership skills. I want to make CSF club more engaging, and find practical ways we can build and serve the larger community. I am excited to be a part of this year's CSF club.
Ivana Valcarenghi-Secretary
I ran for secretary and for office in general because I want to be more involved in CSF. I wanted to participate more in meetings and I think that being secretary will provide me that. I can type and write quick, which I feel makes me suitable for the position.
Roman Nystrom-Membership Commissioner
I am Roman Nystrom, and I am the Membership Commissioner for the 2024-2025 school year. In recent times, I have discovered that I greatly enjoy work that involves me working with, and helping other people. As a Membership Commissioner for CSF, I will use my networking and social skills to build interest in CSF among our student body here at CORE Butte High School. Some of my qualifications for this position include; working to advertise student led theater performances as part of the theater class, advertising local events for small organizations in order to aid minority groups, and interviewing multiple proffesionals in their field in order to write compelling articles.
Stacey Hickman-Volunteer Commissioner
My name is Stacey Hickman and I will be a junior this year. I wanted to be your volunteer commissioner because I believe that community service is an important aspect to CSF. This year I have been involved with Reading Pals and volunteered hours to a Chiropractic office. My goal for for our CSF club is to become more involved with the community and provide more opportunities to volunteer.
Lily Krueger-Publicity Commissioner
Hi, I'm Lily Krueger, I have been developing my skills in graphic design for the past few years. I helped design a section in our school's newspaper, The Lynx of Truth, and I created a promotional poster for a club I ran in my freshman year. I enjoy graphic design and finding creative ways to promote ideas. I am passionate about giving back to our community, even if in small ways.
Ava Kiraly-Activities Commissioner
Hi there! My name is Ava Kiraly and I am your Activities Commissioner. I am very outgoing and I love to be creative. I ran because I would like to see the Core CSF chapter become more involved in our community and in order to do that we need to become a community in ourselves. My goal is make meetings more fun and interactive. This includes group games or crafts in which you work together to win prizes, such as candy!